Paying water bills made simple
The Hindu
HUBLI: Karnataka Water Supply and Sewerage Board, Hubli-Dharwad Maintenance Division, has taken several steps to simplify the procedure of payment of water tax, according to a release.
The board has extended time for payment of water tax arrears without interest up to September 30, and the service of the "Special Complaints Settlement Counter" that has been set up at the Central Library Building to settle the disputes in arrears of water tax is being continued.
Residents can also pay their water bills at all branches of Canara Bank and the State Bank of Mysore at Gokul Road, Unakal and the Union Bank branch at Lamington Road, Hubli.
The board has taken steps to issue spot bills with the help of representatives of Infoland Technologies who have been given identity cards. If the consumers wish to pay the amount immediately they can give a crossed cheque in favour of the "Executive Engineer, Karnataka Water Board Division, Hubli" and obtain a receipt from the representative.
The consumers can even hand over crossed cheques to authorised meter readers (who have been given identity cards) when they visit houses for issuing water bills, the release said.
The board will send "Mobile Corporation Bank Counter" to the areas where there is no ban branches, the time and place of which would be notified from time to time, according to the release.