First Meeting of Manthan-Hubli City e-group at BVB HubliSource: From the emails of Mr.Jagadish,Mr.Sunil and Mr.Nagesh,Hubballi/Dharwad:
Dear Friends,
We from HubliCity Yahoogroup members had first meeting of all the members called as
"Manthan" in the premises of the BVB college of Engineering Hubballi on 24th Sunday December 2006.
The Meeting was a great success in its own way.The meeting was attended by the members Shri Manivannan.P,hon'ble Commissioner of HDMC,Dr.Ashok Shetter, Principal BVB CET Hubballi,Mr Vivek Pawar,Mr.T V Mahantesha Swamy, Mr.Sunil Nalavade, Mr.Ankesh Jain, Mr.Shailesh Charati, Mr.Jagadish Hiremath, Mr.Prashant Hebsur,Dr. Prabhuraj Ginimav, Prof B L Desai, Mr. Sanvsi, Mr. Shilesh Charati, Mr. Inamadar and all others.
(In The photo from left Shri Manivannan and Dr.Ashok Shetter) I have briefly put the procedings and discussion which happened in the meeting.
It was pleasant weather and holiday’s mood on Sunday the 24th December, but all were enthusiastic to attend first meeting named as ‘Manthan – HubliCity e-Group’ and more about to see faces of all those who were already known to each other over internet. With no time, all were friends mainly because of common bonding. That bonding was an urge to do something to their home city, to give back something, to see the developmental work witnessed elsewhere in the country/world in their own city too, to make it happening place so that they can relocate here to regain what they are terribly missing by going away.
Meeting started with self introduction by all.
Ankesh Jain, who’s initiative after all it was, welcomed all guests/dignitaries and friends.

Sunil Nalwade gave brief idea about ‘HubliCity e-group’ including its intentions, history and momentum it has picked up recently.
Prof. V Mahantesh Swamy started the meeting formally with his views and requesting all members to put forward their views first.
Mr. Vivek Pawar, with his brand dynamism armed with PPT presentation said ‘forming legal entity with mission and vision statements clearly, commitment from all like minded friends to give time and resource for organizational objectives, influencing government and politicians to bring about necessary developmental work, to focus on promoting mainly IT industry in NK and addressing fundamental issues in achieving goals were points he much stressed.
Prof Ashok Shettar, stressed too to focus on fundamentals and not superficial things, not to expect immediate results, not to blame politicians and to promote local entrepreneurship. He said, when India and all cities are witnessing tremendous economic growth recently where as Hubli-Dharwad is witnessing negative growth in terms of employability. More than government incentives or facilities, he gave example of King Fisher airline, Neilsoft and ICICI Call Centre, major concern all the companies have in common is, unavailability of skilled man-power in twin city. He stressed group members to address such real issues and unfortunately he too does not have solution for it and called group members to ponder upon.
Mr. Manivannan, like always, restated his commitment in improving quality of life in twin cities and extended his complete co-operation and support to HubliCity e-Group in its endeavor. He expressed his constraints in implementing all that he wants as because all the power and decisions are still centralized at Bangalore . His very important suggestion was to form similar group at Bangalore to lobby or to mount pressure on real decision makers.
Most of the members have actively participated in the discussion. Everybody expressed their apprehension in achieving success through this group, in carrying forward the objectives for long term and in being different from all other organization.
As there are many issues to address in improving quality of life in twin cities, and already many organizations are working towards it, all members finally agreed on following points.
1. To form legally registered organization
2.To meet regularly once in a week, and to meet at 7pm every Friday for first 4 weeks and there after every alternative Friday evenings.
3.To work towards promoting IT/BT industry and business and this as main objective of the group.
4.To finalize the other objectives too in next meetings
5.To decide upon ways and means to achieve the goals.
6.To decide upon shape and structure of the organization
Thanks to Nagesh Tavarageri and Prashant for being online with skype for entire meeting and for participating actively with questions and suggessions.
Facilities and arrangements for meeting were well organized and thanks to Prof. Ashok Shettar, Prof V Mahatesh Swamy, Mr. Sunil Nalwade and Mr. Ankesh Jain and his friends. Special thanks to Mr.Manivannan for taking out his valuable time from busy schedule and for increasing the importance of the meeting.
More than 40 people have attended the first meeting. Challenges are plenty, issues to be addressed are 100s, and we have made small beginning by coming together, and let us work together to progress towards achieving those objectives. With guidance and support from elite members from overseas and within India , we will devise short term and long term objectives in next meetings.
Many people couldn’t make it for meeting due to various reasons. Let us make next meeting more meaningful by showing increased strength.
Thank you, and have a nice day,