Staff Correspondent
Announcements expected at today's investors' meet
# The Investors' Meet is an effort to revive the IT Park
# The Government has announced a special package for purchase of space at the park
# 120 hectares of land is available outside the park
# Land has been allotted for development of Hubli airport

AWAITING INVESTORS: The Information Technology Park in Hubli
HUBLI: The IT (information technology) Investors' Meet opens here on Saturday, and representatives of companies attending it will visit the IT Park to find out whether there are adequate facilities for setting up units.
The meet is a coordinated effort to revive the IT Park and project the twin cities of Hubli-Dharwad as an ideal destination for investments in the sector.
The district administration, led by Deputy Commissioner M.S. Srikar, has taken the initiative to organise the meet with the support of the State Department of Information Technology and Biotechnology, Hubli-Dharwad Municipal Corporation (HDMC), Karnataka State Electronics Development Corporation Limited, Karnatak Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI), BIC Society and BVB College of Engineering and Technology.
Two years ago, "Destination Hubli", a meet to promote the IT Park, was organised in Bangalore, but it did not make an impact. A positive response is expected this time as the venue is Hubli.
The organisers of the event will make it known to IT companies that about 120 hectares of land is available in and around the twin cities for those interested in establishing their units outside the park.
Although invitations have been sent to about 150 IT companies, the organisers of the meet have said the focus is on persuading top companies to participate.
The Government has announced a special package for attracting IT companies to the IT Park. Chief Minister H.D. Kumaraswamy, during his visit to Dharwad for the inspection of sites for setting up a Circuit Bench of the Karnataka High Court, announced that for six months, the first 50,000 sq.ft at the park will be offered at Rs. 10 a sq.ft. and the next 15,000 sq.ft at Rs. 15 a sq. ft.
Following the announcement of the package, the IT Park has received enquiries. Neilsoft, a Pune-based company, has expressed interest in buying 10,000 sq.ft of space. The Government has announced the allotment of 155 hectares of land to the Airports Authority of India for the development of the Hubli airport into an all-weather facility.
There is hope that the IT Park can be revived and Hubli can be promoted among IT companies at the meet as a destination for investments.
In view of the meet, the HDMC has improved roads and other basic amenities.
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